Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Having the Will to Win"

Go ahead and stay on the job until you succeed no matter how much time is required. Make yourself, be success conscious and stake everything on the success rules. Never accept a “no” for a “no”.

Keep on keeping on. Place all your energy, will power and effort, everything back of that goal. The goal must be always in your mind. Burn all the bridges behind you, so that you have no possible way of retreat. Only by so doing can one be sure of maintaining the state of mind known as a BURNING DESIRE TO WIN, essential to success.

Think and Grow Rich
Napolean Hill

No matter which path you choose to follow in life, success should always be your goal. Whether you are a college student anticipating graduation, a waitress waiting on the lunch time rush, or a model waiting on your big break, focus and determination on your trade will inevitably bring you success.

College Student

Never loose focus on you goal. If you are that college student, stressed out because your grades that semester were sub par, regain your focus. Study longer and harder than you did the previous semester. Join study groups. Go to class early, stay late, and befriend your professors. Make it known to yourself, and others that failure is not an option. When you actualize your dreams the will come to fruition. Deans Lists….Cum Laude….Bachelors….Masters….Graduate School. It will happen if you let it.


If you are a model frustrated that casting after casting you still don’t get your big break. Aggravated because in addition to working 40 hours a week, and going to school full time, you still have to find time for beauty rest, and energy to make the castings and party’s to keep your name in the know. Discouraged that even after your face has graced the covers of the magazines, and people recognize you, you’re broke; still working a job, not pursuing your career. If this is you, stay focused. Go to more castings, revamp your image, practice your walk, stay in the gym, eat healthier, and pose your ass off. Do not give up, and success will come. Anything worth having is worth fighting for, and things that come easily never last. So if it is your dream to be a top model, fight for it. It will come. The world is waiting.

Young Urban Professional

Don’t be discouraged because life after college was not what you thought it would be. The salary paying government job just doesn’t cut it. And after coming home from you’re the part-time job that was supposed to be your petty cash, you get that call from Sallie Mae telling you that your grace period is over. So now, after paying student loans, rent, car note and car insurance, and those credit card bills you racked up while in school you barely have enough money to treat your self… and you are exhausted. It can be frustrating to look at how much time and money was invested in your education, when you do not see the fruits of your labor. Wondering when that promotion will come that will take you from struggling to straight. If this is you, keep working. Get to work early, diversify your skill set, build your resume, and stay focused. That dream job will come if you want it.

Whisper some wishes, no matter how big or impossibly distant they seem. Cherish the hopes that are dear to your heart and know you can make them come true.

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Loving Me Inside and Out"

Growing up as a young adolescent, just as any little girl, I loved playing dress up and trying on make-up. Whether it was family, friends, or strangers, I always got compliments on how beautiful I was and that I should be a model.
Having low self-esteem was never an issue nor was it anything that I thought about until the 6th grade. I noticed most of the girls in my junior high class were well developed with breast, hips, and even starting there menstrual at only 12 years of age. So, of course the boys were more drawn to these girls than me. Besides boys not paying me any attention I noticed girls didn’t like me for petty reasons; the color of my skin, my hair texture, the way I talked, etc.
When I reached the 8th grade there was a boy named Demetrius in my math class that was considered one of the “popular” guys of the school. For some reason 3 months into the school year he wanted to be my boyfriend! I was shocked. Never before did any boy show interest in me, let alone for him to be “popular”. I was on cloud nine. I accepted the offer but than began second guessing his real reason behind asking to go study. I mean, he never wanted to sit next to me at lunch, or hug me good-bye at the end of the school day, like he was embarrassed to be seen around school with me. After four days of us “dating” I got a call from Demetrius that our relationship was over. I can’t say I was surprised, but I just wanted to know why you even bothered to ask me out in the first place. The next day at school I was the joke of the school, I felt hurt, embarrassed, and used for his comical purposes.
That’s when I realized people can be cold hearted even when it is undeserved. I began to feel that something was wrong with me as to why I wasn’t desirable by guys and barely had any friends. When I reached the 9th grade things became worse. All of my so-called friends turned their backs on me and made it their goal to torture me on a daily basis. I heard it all, from ho’s to baby killers, even them saying I smelled like fish. I admit, after a while I let it all get to me. It hurt. I started slacking in school. I went from A-B honor student to D- average, I began skipping school and spent a lot of my 9th grade year crying and depressed on life, and not wanting to live anymore.
Around this time not only was the name calling coming from classmates but my own Mother. It was just too much for me. After being harassed and tortured at school, when I arrived home, a place of peace and comfort, the same thing was happening by my Mother. When I look back now I laugh because I realize that God made me beautiful, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Today I’m a new person, I’ve come a long way with “Loving Me” for who I am inside and out. I can say with my head high that “I LOVE MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY” I have learned to surround myself with positive people and true friends. This has helped me in the process of gaining my confidence in myself while blocking the negative people out.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

5 Points of Empowerment

After living in New York City for 6 years I have met a lot of interesting people. One thing that really concerns me are the stories I've heard from my male friends about some of the poor actions we as women choose to make either for attention, love, or commitment. While listening to these stories I often wonder why women do things that degrade us and make us the laughing stock of male conversations from city to city. I understand that some women just LOVE to have sex...... I mean hey, it's human nature. There are also women, who use there sexual prowess to advance professionally. Then, there are those with no self worth, self value, or self love that use sexual encounters with men as a way to complete themselves. Regardless of which scenario relates to you, PLEASE keep these things in mind:

1.You may be prettier, smarter, thinner, thicker, richer, funnier, and more caring than the next woman, but you cannot make him want you. You may never understand why he may choose her over you but if he wants to leave, LET HIM GO!!! There is someone out there that will love you from your eyebrows to your pinky toes.

2.If you have to have sex, use discretion in your partner selection, a moment of pleasure can lead to a lifetime of pain.

3.It is always better to succeed in life on YOUR FEET. Not on YOUR BACK and /or KNEES. Even if you have to work harder to get further,succeed on your OWN MERIT.

4.You will never be made whole from any outside source. the feeling of completion MUST come from within.

5.NEVER settle for less than what you want, just for the sake of having. Set requirements, and stick to them. (Trust me..... it works!!!!)

Welcome to A Woman's Worth

WELCOME!!!!!! For a while I have been thinking of a way to connect to people through the internet. But, I wanted a blog that wasn't like what was already out there (fashion, celeberties, etc.). After 3 months of brain-storming I decided to create a blog that empowered women emotionally, physically, and professionally. I, like you, have had my fair share of emotional distress, betrayal, and heartbreak. And it is my sincere hope that this blog will help other women going through similar situations by sharing true stories, giving practical advice, and empowering women to turn their turbulences into triumph. All in all, life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself. Everything we go through, helps create us into the empowered woman that we will be.